Tuesday, October 27, 2020





Sunday, March 29, 2020

PM asks major cities to prepare for lockdown to stop virus

Vietnam PM asks major cities to prepare for lockdown to stop virus

HANOI, March 30 — Vietnam's prime minister today asked major cities to prepare for possible lockdowns to stop the spread of coronavirus as the number of confirmed cases in the South-east Asian country reached nearly 200.

“Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City have to review and update plans to battle the virus, and have to stand ready for city lockdown scenarios,” Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc said in a statement.

“Vietnam has entered the pandemic's peak period, major cities have to speed up and take advantage of each hour and minute to carry out defined measures,” Phuc said.

The Vietnamese government has ordered a halt on inbound flights, cut domestic flights, stopped public gatherings and temporarily shut down non-essential services until April 15 at the earliest.

It has also launched an aggressive quarantine and contact-tracing programme to curb the spread of the virus after an influx of infections brought in by Vietnamese citizens escaping outbreaks elsewhere and by foreign visitors.

Vietnam has confirmed 194 infections but has had no reported deaths, according to the health ministry. More than 75,000 people are in quarantine. The country aims to keep the number of infections under 1,000. — Reuters

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Extends suspension for foreigners entering country

Vietnam extends suspension for foreigners entering country

Vietnam said it will temporarily suspend entry to all foreigners who already have travel visas to the country, except for those visiting the country for diplomatic or official purposes, amid the coronavirus outbreak.

Foreigners who are deemed experts, business managers or highly skilled workers will still be allowed to enter the country but must have certificates indicating they have tested negative for the virus, must fill out health declarations and will be ordered into quarantine upon arrival, the government said in a statement on Sunday (March 22).

The entry suspension will also apply to foreign nationals who are ethnic Vietnamese, and who normally can travel to Vietnam visa-free, according to the posting.

Vietnam on last Wednesday suspended issuing visas for travellers from all countries for 30 days, except for those entering the country for diplomatic or business purposes.

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc is ordering additional quarantine buildings to house 20,000 people in Hanoi, according to a separate statement. He also ordered limiting international flights, without elaborating.

~The Straits Times~

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Vietnamese - Cantonese 越南话 - 广东话

Há cảo 蝦餃
Tẩy chay 抵制 
Sủi cảo 水餃
Xíu mại 燒賣
Vằn thắn/hoành thánh/mằn thánh 雲吞
Xây chừng 細淨
Bạc xỉu 白小
Mì chính 味精
Lạp xưởng 臘腸
Xì dầu 䜴油
Xí muội 酸梅
Tả pí lù/Tả pín lù 打邊爐
ủi dìn 水圓
Hài 鞋
Xường xám/Sườn xám 長衫
Ngà 牙
Lì xì 利是

~Courtesy of Quora~

Monday, March 2, 2020

Vietnam to Check Visitors from Laos for Coronavirus

Vietnam to Check Visitors from Laos for Coronavirus

Vietnam has announced that the country will carry out mandatory health checks on people entering Vietnam from Cambodia and Laos.

Those who cross the border from Cambodia and Laos must undergo health checks at the border if they wish to enter Vietnam, said Vietnam’s Foreign Affairs Ministry Deputy Spokesman Doan Khac Viet.

The rule also applies to those who have traveled to China, through China, and areas where there’s been a coronavirus outbreak for around 14 days.

As of February 20, Vietnam had 16 confirmed cases of Coronavirus infection, of whom 14 have recovered and been discharged from hospitals.

Meanwhile, Laos has not seen any confirmed cases so far.

Lao authorities have warned people not to travel to virus outbreak areas and have installed thermal scanners at border crossings with China and at other strategic locations to stop the virus from entering the country.

In addition, the government has also urged people to be on their guard and take precautions.

~The Laotian Times~

Thursday, February 27, 2020

越南文 - 古代华文 【对照】

truyền hình 传型 - 电视
phát thanh 发声 - 广播电台
bác sĩ 博士- 医生
y tế 医济 - 医疗
văn phòng 文房 - 办公室
bảo tàng 宝藏 - 博物馆
vườn bách thú 园百兽 - 动物园
điện thoại di động 电话移动 - 手机
thư viện 书院 - 图书馆
dược sĩ 药师 - 药剂师
họa sĩ 画师 - 画家
thành phố 城埠 - 城市
thị xã 市社 - 镇
điều hành 调行 - 行政
thời tiết 时节 - 天气
thời sự 时事 - 新闻
phóng viên 访员 - 记者
chương trình 章程 - 节目
bệnh viện 病院 - 医院
khẩu trang 口章 - 口罩
trang chủ 章主 - 主页
lịch phát sóng 历发送- 节目表
độc thân 独身 - 单身
tạm biệt 暂别 - 再见
cảm ơn 感恩- 谢谢

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Khẩu trang kháng khuẩn

Khẩu trang kháng khuẩn
Antimicrobial Masks

Khẩu trang 口罩 Mask
kháng khuẩn 抗菌 Antimicrobial

90 years anniversary of Communist Party

chúc mừng năm mới
chào mừng kỷ niệm 90 năm ngày thành lập đảng cộng sản việt nam và mừng xuan canh ty 2020

nhiệt liệt chào mừng kỷ niệm 90 năm ngày thành lập đảng cộng sản việt nam

90 năm có đảng cuộc đời nở hoa

Vietnam airlines resume flights to Taiwan, HK and Macau

Vietnam airlines resume flights to Taiwan, HK and Macau after govt. lifts bans

Vietnam Airlines and Vietjet Air will resume flights to Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau from Sunday, the companies said, after the Hanoi government eased restrictions over virus concerns.

Vietnam on Saturday declared a public health emergency over the coronavirus epidemic and said it would halt all flights to and from China including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.

Late on Saturday, Vietnam's civil aviation authority lifted ban on flights to Taiwan and on Sunday it said carriers could also temporarily operate flights to Hong Kong and Macau. Flights to mainland China were still strictly suspended.

"Flights to Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau will be resumed from today. However flights from Hanoi to Hong Kong and Macau will be suspended starting from Feb. 5," national firm Vietnam Airlines said in its Sunday's statement.

Budget carrier Vietjet Air said it had suspended all flights to and from mainland China from Feb. 1 but was operating flights to Taiwan and Hong Kong.

Vietnam has confirmed seven cases of the virus. The government also advised its citizen to limit large gatherings.

~The Star~

Saturday, February 1, 2020







Wednesday, January 22, 2020

干支循环 Can Chi

  1. Giáp Tý
  2. Ất Sửu
  3. Bính Dần
  4. Đinh Mão
  5. Mậu Thìn
  6. Kỷ Tỵ
  7. Canh Ngọ
  8. Tân Mùi
  9. Nhâm Thân
  10. Quý Dậu
  11. Giáp Tuất
  12. Ất Hợi
  13. Bính Tý
  14. Đinh Sửu
  15. Mậu Dần
  16. Kỷ Mão
  17. Canh Thìn
  18. Tân Tỵ
  19. Nhâm Ngọ
  20. Quý Mùi
  1. Giáp Thân
  2. Ất Dậu
  3. Bính Tuất
  4. Đinh Hợi
  5. Mậu Tý
  6. Kỷ Sửu
  7. Canh Dần
  8. Tân Mão
  9. Nhâm Thìn
  10. Quý Tỵ
  11. Giáp Ngọ
  12. Ất Mùi
  13. Bính Thân
  14. Đinh Dậu
  15. Mậu Tuất
  16. Kỷ Hợi
  17. Canh Tý
  18. Tân Sửu
  19. Nhâm Dần
  20. Quý Mão
  1. Giáp Thìn
  2. Ất Tỵ
  3. Bính Ngọ
  4. Đinh Mùi
  5. Mậu Thân
  6. Kỷ Dậu
  7. Canh Tuất
  8. Tân Hợi
  9. Nhâm Tý
  10. Quý Sửu
  11. Giáp Dần
  12. Ất Mão
  13. Bính Thìn
  14. Đinh Tỵ
  15. Mậu Ngọ
  16. Kỷ Mùi
  17. Canh Thân
  18. Tân Dậu
  19. Nhâm Tuất
  20. Quý Hợi


01.甲子 02.乙丑 03.丙寅 04.丁卯 05.戊辰 06.己巳 07.庚午 08.辛未 09.壬申 10.癸酉 
11.甲戌 12.乙亥 13.丙子 14.丁丑 15.戊寅 16.己卯 17.庚辰 18.辛巳 19.壬午 20.癸未 
21.甲申 22.乙酉 23.丙戌 24.丁亥 25.戊子 26.己丑 27.庚寅 28.辛卯 29.壬辰 30.癸巳
31.甲午 32.乙未 33.丙申 34.丁酉 35.戊戌 36.己亥 37.庚子 38.辛丑 39.壬寅 40.癸卯
41.甲辰 42.乙巳 43.丙午 44.丁未 45.戊申 46.己酉 47.庚戌 48.辛亥 49.壬子 50.癸丑
51.甲寅 52.乙卯 53.丙辰 54.丁巳 55.戊午 56.己未 57.庚申 58.辛酉 59.壬戌 60.癸亥

Nhạc Xuân Chào Đón Tết Canh Tý 2020