Saturday, December 29, 2018

Cùng Anh - Ngọc Dolil (VRT Mix)

Monday, October 29, 2018

Thursday, October 18, 2018

dự báo thời tiết thứ tư

bắc bộ 北部 Northern
dự báo thời tiết thứ tư 星期四天气预报 Thursday's weather forecast

dự báo 预报 forecast
thời tiết 天气 weather
thứ tư 星期四 Thursday

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Bún bò Huế

Bún bò Huế

Bún bò Huế (pronounced [ɓun˧˥ ɓɔ˧˩ hwe˧˥]) or bún bò is a popular Vietnamese soup containing rice vermicelli (bún) and beef (bò). 

Huế is a city in central Vietnam associated with the cooking style of the former royal court. The dish is greatly admired for its balance of spicy, sour, salty and umami flavors. The predominant flavor is that of lemon grass. Compared to phở or bún riêu, the noodles are thicker and more cylindrical.
